Sunday, April 3, 2016

Things Got Stuck in 'Cheese in the Trap'

You know those dramas that started so great and then just decided to kill itself? There are many examples, but the latest one in the minds and mouths (or fingers?) of Korean drama watchers is Cheese in the Trap. It begun what was to be a perfect drama. I even had hopes of making it high up on the yearly recaps. Alas, some things are too good to be true and the drama that was supposed to be the opposite of dramatic bit itself in the ass and became a drama in real life.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Monthly Recap: March 2016

So I haven't been the best blogger once again but since my computer was broken for half of March I suppose that's a good enough reason for my absence? I have been watching some dramas last month, so worry not. I will rant away on this post. Full reviews of some of the finished dramas will come soon, as will several movie reviews since the Baeksang Awards are happening sooner or later and I'll be making a prediction post again like last year.