Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Drama Recap

Happy new year everyone!

I can't believe it's a new year already. I wouldn't say 2017 flew by. I definitely felt it. But for me, personally, it has been an awesome year. I finished my first full year at a job, moved to a new country, made some awesome friends, and stepping a bit closer to my dreams. Drama-wise, I would say I'm pretty satisfied with the gems I found this year. Some were obvious duds (they can't be avoided), but many filled my heart with absolute joy.

Despite going awol on this blog this past year, I'm really excited to come back doing my annual year-end drama recap. It's always fun to compile all the dramas I've watched this year and since I wasn't active on the blog, I can now review all the dramas I've watched (which may be why this year's recap is a bit long. I have a lot to say). Again, as usual, the ranking will only comprise of dramas that finished airing in 2017. All the non-2017 dramas I watched this year will be mentioned separately, though there aren't that many this year. I also want to start mentioning what networks the dramas aired in because different networks can sometimes have different styles/types of dramas airing.