Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blogger Hates YouTube?

Is that a bad title? But it really does have something to do with Blogger (the blogging platform, not me as a blogger) is having problems with embedded YouTube videos. A few of my older videos which previously have embedded YouTube videos, mostly the First Take music editions and some movie trailers, just disappeared without a trace. Does anyone know why that happens? I searched Google for answers but nothing came up.

Anyways, with this I need your help. If you happen to spot a post where the video disappeared (every First Take music edition has an embedded YouTube video), please comment on the post itself or inform me via Twitter @conanblue32. Or better yet, if anyone knows why this is happening and how to fix it, please do tell! I don't know if the missing video is annoying to you, but it is to me and mostly because I don't want to present you a post that's supposed to have a video in it but it turns out it doesn't.

So that's it for this post. Sorry if any of you were expecting reviews and whatnot. Just a heads up, I may not be able to post anything in the next couple weeks due to finals. I'll try to squeeze in something. Hopefully there's a cool MV out so I can write a First Take on it. And that's the blog-related announcement of the day. Have a great week everybody :D


  1. How do they "disappear"? Does the entire player disappear? Is the code still there when you edit the post in Blogger or does the code disappear from the html editor too?

    Do you use the new iframe code or the old type? My blog only takes the old one.

  2. The code disappears from it too. I use the iframe code, the one from youtube. What's the old code? Maybe that'll stop the problem.

    Actually, it doesn't disappear right away. Usually after I publish it it's fine, but sometimes after I leave it for a while (can be days to weeks) it disappears. The odd thing is it doesn't happen to all the posts.

    1. Use the old code. When you chose the embedding options in Youtube, the last box is "Use old embed code". Just check it and you'll get it as "object" and not "iframe". Mine doesn't like iframes either. I had the same problem lately.

    2. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try changing it to the old code now. Hopefully it won't disappear anymore.

  3. Hello! I just saw the same problem on one of my posts. Problem is the "Use old embed code" option is not available anymore on the You Tube pages, since they changed the look. Now we have to adapt the old code as it's shown on this page:!topic/youtube/iytmcKfIEH4

    I wonder when they'll fix it... This is ridiculous! :/

    Thanks for the post anyway! :D

    1. Haven't really posted anything with videos recently (or any posts at all really, I'm so bad). That sucks! Do you have a problem embedding a video since the change though? It's pretty ridiculous how blogspot is integrated to the google system but it can't even embed a YouTube video properly. It's like they don't even bat an eyelash for us blogger. Boo, google, boo.

      Thank you for sharing the link. I'll be experimenting with video embedding in the near future, I guess, just to see if there are any changes.
