Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jo Seung-woo Eye Candy + Horse Healer Update

You know I'm all over this. My ajusshi crush, Jo Seung-woo, is coming to the small screens in the sageuk tale of Horse Healer. And with that, some pretty spreads courtesy of Cosmopolitan Korea the October issue comes our way. May the Drama Gods bless you.

The photo spread features Jo Seung-woo amongst enlarged chess pieces. Mostly the knights and the horsies. (To all chess players out there, please forgive me for the lack of knowledge of this game for I suck at it a lot.) In a sense it's just another celebrity photo shoot but you know what, considering that this is Jo Seung-woo, it's not just any other photo shoot. Maybe that's just me.

With the pretties also comes a nice little interview, as all photo spreads usually do. Sadly for me, and you I guess, I do not understand Korean enough to translate a working sentence. Overall, the interview talked mostly of his projects since he came back from the military, including Perfect GameThe Peach Tree (coming to you on October 31, for realz this time!), and his currect project Horse Healer. And you know, other possible fun stuff that I'm probably missing out because I can't read Korean. Curses.

And here are the rest! With more chess pieces, big and small, included.

Also check out some new updates on Horse Healer! There's some posters and a teaser. The cast also held a press conference decked out in sageuk gear on September 24th in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province. Remember to mark you calender for Horse Healer, coming to you on October 1st on MBC.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Were you somehow able to fulfill all the options of this site by yourself or you needed some extra help?
